Closing Information for Realtors and Lenders
Selling or refinancing? CSI works with CondoCerts to streamline the process. It’s efficient and secure, and best of all you can search and order exactly what you need including delivery method, and the record retention meets or exceeds state regulations.
Ready to get started?
Before you start, make sure to be prepared with all of the relevant information – there are no refunds once the documents are delivered.
Think about if you will also need a hard copy delivered. You’ll also receive email and text completion notices, and be able to track your request online with your confirmation number.
What kind of documents can I access?
Community Documents
- Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws and Declaration
- Annual budgets
- Community photos
- Meeting minutes
Lender/Real Estate Documents
- Condo / PUD Questionnaire
- Disclosure / Resale Reports